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Solus Group Co. Ltd.

Other Products From Solus Group


      As our company is expanding everyday, we are constantly on the search for new products to meet our customers' needs.  Besides the YST Vinegar that we are the Sole Agent for , we also have many other products for distribution, they range from health, beauty, energy saver systems, all the way to foods and clothings.  Please take time to go through "Our Other Products" section to see if  any of our other products will suit your needs.

凱日是一個每天都在迅速擴展的集團,  我們不斷地搜尋更多新產品來符合不同顧客的須要。 玉壽堂是凱日其中一項獨家代理的品牌,  除此之外,  凱日還有其他種類的產品,  如健康產品、美容產品、酒類、酒品用具和設備、食品, 節能系統及服裝等等。 請瀏覽本網頁的"其他產品"部分有關於凱日代理的產品介紹,  定必符合各下的要求。